Denny Triwandoyo, Yohana Theresia Maria Astuti, Purwadi Purwadi, Fariha Wilsiani


Data shows that the Island of Kalimantan is the second largest island in terms of the distribution of oil palm plantations after Sumatra in Indonesia and Central Kalimantan Province is the second large producer in terms of palm oil production after Riau Province in Indonesia. With the development and growth of the oil palm plantations sector, the issue of sustainability is increasingly being blown up, therefore the goverment is here to facilitate these demands by making regulations regarding sustainable development through the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification system. In it’s operational activities, this oil palm plantation cannot be separated from the use of hazardous and toxic materials in short B3 and the residu from these operational activity will become hazardous and toxic waste (B3). In article three paragraph (1) government regulation number 101 of 2014 Concerning Hazardous Waste Management States that everyone who generates B3 waste is obliged to manage the B3 waste it produces. One of the obligations contained in ISPO certification is the obligation to carry out hazardous waste management. To control this hazardous waste management, the goverment has the authority to carry out guidance and supervision. The number of B3 waste storage permits that must be monitored of twenty-nine permits. With the supervision carried out the researcher wont to study how company’s compliance with B3 waste management from B3 waste temporary storage activities and wants to know the problems and obstacles faced by oil palm plantation companies in implementing regulations related to B3 waste management for B3 waste storage activities. The method used in this research is to perform a GAP analysis, namely by comparing the regulatory compliance activities applied in the field with the applicable regulations, with a sample of seven oil palm plantation companies. The result showed that all seven companies that were analyzed using GAP analysis did not comply with the regulations in B3 waste management. Key Words : Hazardous waste B3 management in oil palm plantation companies, hazardous waste B3 management supervision

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