Identifying Silvofishery Models and It’s Fungtionality (Case Study Mangrove Rehabilitation in Pemalang and Brebes Region)

Heru Salam, windrati Kaliman


Mangrove  is  known  as  type  of  ecosystem  has  such  of  multifunction.  what  more  has strategic function service, it is able to support and stabilice strong coastal and land ecosystem. Therefore, in every single handling,especially in the effort on rehabilitation,it should focus on the needs of all stake holders  involving in the use of mangrove.The application of silvofishery model in rehabilitation purpose is assumed to fullfil the multifunction criteria,so it has been applied and developed by most of the community.But on the other side it is worried that the less of  peoples optimally support the achievement of rehabilitation purpose.Under this condition, modification of silvofishery should be planned without obeying the need of people and other institutions to the use of mangrove.


Keywords:  silvofishery model ,rehabilitation

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