Arief Ika Uktoro, Hermantoro ,


Mapping the fields of sustainable agriculture is part of the protection of the agricultural area in an effort to ensure food security. Number of sustainable paddy field specified in each district only limited statistics that can not be proven in the spatial field. This study aimed to build information systems that bridge the area of agricultural land statistically with spatial data in the field in the form of a map. These maps will be used to determine the locations of potential wetland lestari.Metode used is to build a spatial database support sustainable rice fields. There are seven spatial database mapped namely: administrative maps, maps of wetland, planting area maps, institutional maps, maps of the magnitude of agricultural commodities, food insecurity maps and map RTRW (Spatial Plan). The maps are used as a variable in determining sustainable rice fields coupled with satellite imagery data in the form of research QuickBird.Hasil software paddy sustainable agricultural information system that is built using a programming language avenue with a user friendly interface. This information system is able to present seven spatial information with a complete database of information; organized into seven thematic maps list; QuickBird imagery displays; adding and updating new data; zooming and object identification; photo display field conditions; editing attribute data; and can perform data searches through the query.

Keywords: Information System, Map, Rice Lestari

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