Herry Wirianata, Kadarwati Budihardjo, Tantri Arisanti


This study aims to determine the role of government in developing community cocoa plantations, empowerment of farmer groups that have been carried out to achieve social change for the better, identify and analyze internal and external factors that can influence the behavior of farmers in carrying out community cocoa plantations and formulate and recommend alternative strategic choices based on strategic factors in efforts to develop community cocoa plantations in Central Tiworo sub-district.The study was conducted in the villages of Mekar Jaya, Momuntu and Suka Damai, Central Tiworo District, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted in December 2014 until January 2015. The research method used in this research is descriptive method while for sampling using purposive sampling method. To find out the strategy to be used is the SWOT analysis (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threath). Results of research conducted Government efforts in developing community cocoa plantations in Central Tiworo sub-district by conducting counseling and training on cocoa cultivation and providing assistance in the form of capital loans managed by farmer groups. The existence of cocoa farmer groups is very helpful for farmers in developing their own cocoa farms because through regular monthly meetings farmers can discuss how to properly cultivate cocoa. The large number of pests and diseases that attack cocoa plants and the lack of capital is very deterring farmers in developing their own cocoa farms so that the treatment is still very poor and the results obtained are less than optimal. With adequate human resources and optimizing cooperatives and local banks to provide business capital loans as well as assistance from the Agriculture Office and the Agricultural Extension Center to improve cocoa cultivation so that the results obtained are more optimal so that they can make a major contribution to the region.


Keywords:  SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threath), strategy

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