Fallow System Improvement (FSI) : Agroforestry Technology for Reducing Periode Time of Fallowand Improving Soil Fertility

Windrati Kaliman


Fallow System Improvement (FSI) is one of Agroforestry Technology that use for reducing periode time of fallow. The Obyective of the research is to improve soil fertility in the land fallow after sand mining  using  FSI  by  application  gamal  leaf  as  a  mulch.Research  method  that  was  used  is Experimental research with unit area of 10 m x 10 m plots for application of mulch. Soil analysis was done before and after mulch application in order to know the contain of nutrient of the soil.The study indicates that the land restoration through application  mulch of Gliricidiasepium leaf( FSI) can improve organic material, P,K, and C content of the soil in the period time of 4 months.Therefore, the land can be planted 10 months after sand mining. It is less than the usual fallow is   more than 2 years especially in the land after sand mining.


Key Words: Fallow, Agroforestry Technology, Mulch, Gliricidia sepium

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