Maria Ulfah, Siti Achadiyah, Ngatirah ., Irma Wardani


T h e o b j e c tiv e o f t his r e s e a r c h w a s t o k n o w in flu e n c e o f pla s ticiz e r t y p e s wit h t h e concentrations to characters edible film type B gelatin from chicken claw and determines edible film with good physical and mechanical properties. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with single factor was used in this research which consisted of A (sorbitol 20%), B (sorbitol 22,5%), C (sorbitol 25%), D (glycerol 4,49%), E (glycerol 6,15%), E (glycerol 7,38%), F ( polyethylene glycol 400 4,496%), G (polyethylene glycol 400 5,62%), H (polyethylene glycol 400 6,74%). The result of edible film to analyse film thickness, tensile strength, elongation, Water Vapor Transmision Rate (WVTR) and film solubility in water. Result of this research showed that plasticizer with concentrations influence on to value WVTR and solubility of film in water, but doesn't have an effect on to film thickness, tensile strength, and elongation of edibl e film. Edible film with greather WVTR resulted from sorbitol concentration of 20% with value WVTR 2 0 , 3 4 7 2 g . m m / m 2 . 8 h o u r s , film s olu bilit y in w a t e r 8 5 , 5 1 4 7 % , t e n sile s t r e n g t h 0 , 1 3 N , elo n g a tio n 8,58% and thickness of film 0,18 mm
Key Word : edible film, type B gelatin from chicken claw, plasticizer

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